In case you missed it in the Canberra media, the Planning Variation for the Stellulata Cohousing site has been approved by the Minister for Planning and tabled in the ACT Legislative Assembly.
This is one more (big) step towards our new home.
Variation 376 has changed the rules, just for our block of land in Ainslie,
to allow a 3-dwelling cohousing project (previously only 1 or 2 dwellings would be allowed here);
with a plot ratio of no more than 50% (same as for a single dwelling);
and a minimum of 2 car parking spaces screened from public view. (Previously a multi-unit development would require more, but we will be sharing electric vehicles).
We can now proceed with the Development Application, the Building Approval, the tender process and construction. There is still a way to go.
Thank you to all our supporters for your encouragement since we started this journey in 2018, and to all the people who shared the vision in the many years before that.
The story on the RiotACT website -
The Canberra Times article -